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wed19apr(apr 19)2:00 pmsun23(apr 23)2:00 pmEcstatic Forest Festival 20232:00 pm - 2:00 pm (23)(GMT-05:00) Event TypeFestivalCityAustin, TexasAudienceEveryone Event Organized ByEcstatic Forest Texas


By purchasing a ticket to and/or otherwise attending Ecstatic Forest Festival, I agree to and understand all of the Ecstatic Forest Festival and Unique Mindful Events terms and conditions, including the no refund policy, photography policy, and participation waiver.

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Event Details

General Admission will be $333 + $27.47 taxes + $19 fees = $379.47.


April 19, 2023 2:00 pm - April 23, 2023 2:00 pm(GMT-05:00)


Spark River Entertainment at Spiderwood Studios

140 Utley Road

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    • Day 1
    • Day 2
    • Day 3
    • Day 4
    • Day 5
    • April 19, 2023
    • 2:00PM Gates Open2:00PM
    • 7:00PM [Main Stage] Divine Feminine Opening Ceremony Prayerformance7:00PM - 8:00PM
      Speakers: Celeste Seraphim, Mika Skye, Ninii Noel, Rayne Grant
    • 8:00PM [Main Stage] Rayne.Drip8:00PM - 11:00PM
      Speakers: Rayne Grant
    • April 20, 2023
    • 10:00AM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] - Ecstatic Tai Chi10:00AM - 11:15AM

      Tai chi is fundamentally an ecstatic practice. It effectively removes blockages to the flow of energy in the body. When the energy flow of our body is unimpeded we experience a profound, deep, and calm ecstasy that is the birthright of every human being.

      By challenging our body to move in specific ways, tai chi gently moves us beyond our habitual body use into a state of freedom, inner strength, and joy. The practices taught at this workshop are simple and easy to remember so that participants will have the opportunity to continue and grow in this porfound practice long after the festival is over.

      Speakers: Devon Hornby
    • 10:00AM [Playshop Tent - Green] Ichinawa Tsunagari: One Rope Connection10:00AM - 11:15AM

      Shibari, the art of Japanese Rope Bondage takes many forms. Tying with one rope only is often called Ichinawa, from the Japanese "ichi" (one) and "nawa" (rope). The Japanese word Tsunagari is to connect or link. Participants in this workshop will explore the intricacies of navigating tying with one rope to create and build connection with their partner. Butterfly Priestess will demonstrate to participants how to use tempo, texture, and expression with a single hank of rope to invite their partners into an expansive and reciprocal experience. Participants will explore the dynamics of connection through how the body moves in flow with another and how rope can become an extension of our energetic body – allowing us to link deeply with each other through energy.

      Speakers: Butterfly Priestess
    • 10:00AM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Raise Your Vibe With EFT (Meridian Tapping)10:00AM - 11:15AM

      As humanity awakens and our collective level of consciousness advances, we have a powerful opportunity to ascend to a higher vibration...and stay there. Raising our vibe means befriending our emotions. We know that emotions carry their own frequencies and, by regulating and programming them, we can maintain a higher vibration throughout our daily activities. Also known as Meridian Tapping, EFT is a brilliant formula that can help us see our emotions clearly, accept them fully, and integrate them lovingly. If you ever feel anything less than joyful, worthy, and abundant, check out this workshop. You deserve to feel better, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a proven and effective medicine to take you there...and keep you there. If you've experienced blocks in your manifestation process, elevating your vibe through EFT could be the jolt you need to finally savor the fruition of your wildest dreams. Come see what's possible for you when you align your subconscious mind with your conscious desires. Amanda Wonderland is a Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner, a Somatic Therapies-Informed Yoga Instructor, a Worth & Wellness Coach, and a Transformation Facilitator. Her passion is helping people get out of their own way and step into their power, so they can finally live on purpose. She is devoted to empowering humans to reconnect to their authenticity and divinity while contributing their unique gifts to the world in a fulfilling and meaningful way - and, in doing so, we can each play our part in raising the collective vibe of Humanity.

      Speakers: Amanda Wonderland
    • 1:00PM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Solar Eclipse I AM Activation - Yoga, Chant, Dance!1:00PM - 2:15PM

      Embody the self-empowering Aries I AM Solar Eclipse cleansing and renewing energies for activating your True Essence and Personal Power!

      Eclipses literally disrupt the flow of light earth receives, creating the opportunity to reset your mind, and your life! An Aries Solar Eclipse awakens Your Personal Unique Identity, along with flowing to you, the courage and confidence to be who YOU truly are.

      Breathe and move to the rhythm of the sacred drum, as you fill up on life-force energy during a Kundalini Yoga Set. Clear and energize each chakra, bringing them into balance, releasing tension, uplifting your frequency, creating a heightened state of relaxation, and mindful expansion.

      Activate your “cosmic hardware”, your pituitary and pineal glands, for connecting consciously with the solar eclipse energies. Fill your body-mind with its energy, flowing the eclipsing light through each chakra, enlightening your mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

      I will guide you back to meditate upon your heart, awakening the portal that connects you with your Soul. Be one with your Highest Self, and with clarity, renew your intentions for living authentically, joyfully, abundantly and fully empowered.

      Together we will consciously merge our hearts, individuated, but whole, as one together in community. From this collaborative, united, juicy space, we will launch our individual intentions for ourselves, for one another, and for Ecstatic Forest Festival 2023. Finally, integrate and amply your intentions with dance and chant, to a powerful upbeat mantra, soul-fully roaring from our united uplifted hearts and expanded consciousness, together!!!

      Speakers: Kalyan Darshan
    • 1:00PM [Playshop Tent - Green] Hooping with Magic1:00PM - 2:15PM

      This is a hula hoop class that utilizes breathing, exercises and peaceful hooping. We will vibe with music & meditate.

      Speakers: LyRic
    • 1:00PM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] The Global Butterfly Evolution1:00PM - 2:15PM

      We will be discussing the three stages of the butterfly evolution, and how it equates to mankind process of internal evolution. And the knowing of oneself through self actualization.

      Speakers: Coach Thomas
    • 1:00PM [Createshop Tent - Yellow] Oracle Cards for Intuitive Divination1:00PM - 2:15PM

      In this createshop, you will create your very own oracle card (or 3!) as a token from your time at Estatic Forest. Feel free to keep your cards for your own use, or to gift to someone you've connected with.

      Speakers: Rebecca Brumfield
    • 3:00PM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Dance of the Sacred Jester3:00PM - 4:15PM

      It is the jester’s honor to carry the torch of levity into the depth of our souls. Through a playful spirit he invites our inner children to dance and freely express, to be seen with love and to shine brightly. Come be silly and feel it all. You are invited to this sacred playground!

      Speakers: Stevie Hudson
    • 3:00PM [Playshop Tent - Green] Introduction to Staff Spinning3:00PM - 4:15PM

      Join ZinjaFireNinja's Staff Spinning Workshop to learn fundamental movements and maneuvers with a Staff.

      Speakers: Alex Snyder
    • 3:00PM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Feminine Ecology: Womb + Endocrine Regeneration3:00PM - 4:15PM

      In this class, you will gain a new understanding of the female-bodied human animal and our interrelations with the living world around us, with a focus on hormone balancing. We will look at the physical and the metaphysical causes of endocrine system dysfunction, including irregular menstruation, fatigue, blood sugar overload, insomnia, infertility, and more. You will learn about eating an evolutionary + constitutionally appropriate diet, herbs for feminine vitality and balance, fertility awareness for family planning, living a supportive lifestyle, and belonging and kinship in a more-than-human world. This is a holistic method of working with the earth for optimal mental, physical, and spiritual health for the feminine being.

      Speakers: Juniper Vaughn
    • 3:00PM [Createshop Tent - Yellow] My Words ARE Poetry3:00PM - 4:15PM

      Enter the circle and throw words into the verbal brew to create as we cast our spells into the universe. You will explore the power of words, the strength of vocal performance, and the practice of daily writing. Bring your notebook and leave your self-judgments behind. Today we write for tomorrow we can be free. Your story is worthy of being told, and being shared, so lets learn to share it together.

      Speakers: Stephan Gaeth
    • 5:00PM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Hand, Head and Forearm Balancing5:00PM - 6:15PM

      This workshop will focus on inverted balances. The instructor will share different tips and tricks to help improve one's balance in each pose. First participants will learn a variety of entrances and hand-balancing drills. Next, participants will learn head balancing variations. We will finish by working on forearm balancing. The importance of one’s base connection will be discussed throughout. Hands on and hands off adjustments will be provided.

      Speakers: ElleMental
    • 5:00PM [Playshop Tent - Green] Buugeng/Poi Flow5:00PM - 6:15PM

      A general flow class on prop manipulation, weaves, and plane control. A beginner-intermediate class on either buugeng or poi.

      Speakers: Cameron Vaughn
    • 5:00PM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Cosmological Healing Arts of Cacao Rituals5:00PM - 6:15PM

      Cacao has become quite popular in recent times. In addition to being a key superfood in your longevity arsenal, it is a powerful bridge between worlds. Join Colombian medicine woman Erika Ramelli and learn the art of using cacao in ceremonies. Come discover its multidimensional powers, health benefits, and tons of fun recipes!

      Speakers: Erika Ramelli
    • 5:00PM [Createshop Tent - Yellow] Self-Love Workshop5:00PM - 6:15PM

      Using the 5 love languages to better understand how to nourish and care for yourself. These languages are further understood and talked about while we intentionally create and add beads onto the lifeline of the mala bracelet. Filling the bracelet with energy of self consideration, mantras of self-love and empowerment. In the bracelets we would include the knots and additional pendants/charms to remind the creator of their ability to create from self-love. Everyone will be able to share this profound ability we all have by gifting it or embody it by wearing it!

      Speakers: Unity Yogis
    • 8:00PM [Main Stage] Soulset Hour: Divine Dance8:00PM - 9:00PM
      Speakers: Al Jameson, DC
    • 9:00PM [Main Stage] TIMEWHEEL9:00PM - 11:30PM
      Speakers: TIMEWHEEL
    • 11:30PM [Main Stage] Damino11:30PM - 2:00AM
      Speakers: Damino
    • April 21, 2023
    • 10:00AM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Inner Flow: Shibari with Self10:00AM - 11:15AM

      Shibari, the art of Japanese Rope Bondage takes many forms. In this workshop, participants will immerse themselves in a self-tying experience focused on creating and tapping into inner flow. We will explore the dynamics of the divine feminine and divine masculine energy through our flow of giving and receiving to the self. Participants will explore how to navigate balance and harmony with the self through an authentic expression of flow.

      Speakers: Butterfly Priestess
    • 10:00AM [Playshop Tent - Green] Ayurveda Couples massage10:00AM - 11:15AM

      Practise holistic love and share the healing modality of massage with your partner. Bring towels and Oil for massage Preferred oil: coconut Ayurveda is an ancient science of healing and massage is considered one of the corner stones of preventative health. Besides the therapeutic effects of touch, massage is a modality that helps create joy, health and happiness.

      Speakers: Manpreet Sangha
    • 10:00AM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Egyptian Underworld Anointing10:00AM - 11:15AM

      At the "Egyptian Underworld Anointing" workshop you will learn to prepare your heart and body temple like Egyptian royalty did in ancient times. The purpose of this ceremony is to delve into the spirit world and activate the potential held there. This type of multidimensional healing allows the body to open to an optimal state of vitality and impact. 

      This event is designed for you to experience the kinds of lasting benefits the Pharaohs enjoyed as they prepared to ascend into The Afterlife. Even though you may not plan to transition any time soon, you can luxuriate in a lifetime aromatic path of release and ascension! You will revel in heady spiritual growth and bursts of insight as you liberate yourself from DNA corruptions that are a result of common experiences on this planet.

      Egyptians knew that re-writing the DNA expression was possible; thus, they created the ritual of emotional and trauma release.  This was recorded it in the hieroglyphics at The Temple of Karnak for all time. In this way, their society catalyzed great wisdom and was led by powerful leaders. You, Beloved, are the powerful leader of your life.

      Your experience begins with a short educational session followed by six beautiful activations for your body, mind and biofield. The freedom and ease created in Egyptian Underworld Anointing allows any pathogenic load, physical restrictions; stored trauma or trapped negative emotions you might be carrying to naturally begin to fall away.  Pure potential becomes activated and more alive in your life!

      You will love floating away from this anointing ritual with a lengthened, stronger body and radiantly open heart!

      Speakers: Araiah Jazzar
    • 1:00PM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Sacred Feminine Dance (Belly Dance)1:00PM - 2:15PM

      It is important to balance the feminine and masculine in beings of all gender! Belly Dance incorporates specific and technical muscle isolations into a flow of movement that is so intimate with your own body that it is incredibly emotive, expressive, and powerful. This art form feels especially therapeutic because we access parts of our bodies that we otherwise ignore! Belly dance is an ancient art form that uses isolations of the hips, torso, chest/shoulders, arms, and traveling/steps, so learning this dance form will have you moving your whole body!

      1)full body stretch and warm up for belly dance!

      2)Slides! head slides, chest slides, hip slides

      3)Lifts and Drops! In chest and hips! Tribal and Traditional

      4) figure 8s mayas+taxim (normal and stepping)

      5)Circles! (And diamonds) In head, Chest, Hips! Interior (aka ummies) vs Exterior hip circles!

      6)Hip bumps (up and out) to forward and side (X1, X2, X4, walking to front)

      7) "Basic Egyptian" steps! Hip bumps to front, side, back. (In place and walking)

      8)Shimmies!!! Twist shimmy, straight leg shimmy, bent leg shimmy,

      9)Arms! Snake arms, arm positions

      10)Body Undulations! Chest undulation, pelvic undulation

      Speakers: Mystica Fiora
    • 1:00PM [Playshop Tent - Green] Unifying Mind and Body - Core Principles of Ki Aikido1:00PM - 2:15PM

      Participants are introduced to the fundamental principles of ki aikido. They will learn how to coordinate mind and body in order to experience optimal ki flow between themselves and the universe. Participants are instructed on how to extend ki, while interacting with others in a positive and constructive way. Finally, participants will learn basic self-defense and nonviolent intervention tactics to provide them with a greater sense of confidence and inner-peace.

      Speakers: Ronnie Saenz
    • 1:00PM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Mushroom Nootropics and Aphrodisiacs: A Deeper More Titillating Look Into Our Connectedness1:00PM - 2:15PM

      The Mind, Body, and Spirit are connected, and so we dive into some of the Science, Spirituality, and Tantric perspectives of how different fungi can not only heal our bodies and connect us to our Planet Earth, but also with each other.

      It is becoming more known that mushrooms play a key role in the health and well-being of our Environment, but they also play a very significant function in the health and well-being of our body systems.

      Speakers: Rayne Grant
    • 1:00PM [Createshop Tent - Yellow] Re-write Your Story.... Literally!1:00PM - 2:15PM

      Writing therapy can be life-changing. Using the written word as a tool to re-frame our more challenging experiences can empower us—leading us away from judgement and victimhood to a place of awareness and potentially even gratitude in some cases. Using the ah-ha moments April Dawn experienced while writing her fictional memoir Sandra: A Healing Reimagining of the Babysitter from Hell, she will guide you on how to begin your own healing process through writing—an accessible tool you will no longer underestimate after this workshop. You are a writer and there's no one better poised to write (or re-write) your story than you.

      Speakers: April Dawn Scheffler
    • 3:00PM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Bollywood Bhangra Dance3:00PM - 4:15PM

      An interactive workshop with Bollywood music and dance movements. All are encouraged to dress up in their uniqueness to connect with your individual flow with or without Bollywood dance movements which will be practised together with partner, solo and group movements of not only the body, also mind and heart. A heart opening workshop which encourages deepest expressions. Option to move freely as well.

      Speakers: Manpreet Sangha
    • 3:00PM [Playshop Tent - Green] Contact Beyond Contact: Community Dance Journey3:00PM - 4:15PM

      Contact Beyond Contact (CBC) is a dance and healing practice that weaves together multiple movement modalities to create a holistic integration of the Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit. As a community we will gift each other the opportunity to express our authentic selves through our bodies. This practice invites us to playfully and energetically connect with ourselves, one another, the container, and with nature - the world beyond the means of physical contact. Everyone is welcome to come dance!

      Speakers: Stevie Hudson
    • 3:00PM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Alchera Death Meditation3:00PM - 4:15PM

      Mindfully contemplating our own inevitable death — our finite existence, our own impermanence can help us to realize the changing nature and impermanence of all things and remind us that everything is constantly changing.

      *Please come prepared with a printed photo of yourself and a yoga mat*

      Created by Rachel Siordia

      Presented by Sara Kovash

      "The esoteric path leads to the path of dying consciously and dying consciously is ultimately the path to living consciously."

      ~ Sara Kovash

      Speakers: Sara Kovash
    • 3:00PM [Createshop Tent - Yellow] Healing with Voice! Vocal Toning & Chakra Balancing with Mini Sound Bath Guided Meditation3:00PM - 4:15PM

      Learn about the main 7 Chakras system and how you can balance and heal your chakras using your own voice. Everything starts at the subtle energetic level before it is manifested out into the material world. When something is out of balance and not in the alignment, we can determine which chakras are out of harmony and begin to heal from within.

      Join this Createshop class, thought by AsiRiana Rasa, a certified Reiki Master, Sound Healer and discover the power of your own voice for healing and transformation. Mini Sound Bath and Guided Meditation session is also added to enhance this experience!

      Speakers: AsiRiana Rasa
    • 5:00PM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Get High On Dance5:00PM - 6:15PM

      Using ancient and natural movement patterns we will unlock and release into different "highs" of the body. Trance states, body highs, and how can we use them to better aid us. From spinning to rocking, the movement has always been used to lift dancers to higher levels of self. Beyond modern techniques and into the movements that children use, that our ancestors used before words. Bring a real trance to your dance, be sober while high, while exhausting the body and stimulating the mind and subconscious.

      Speakers: Stephan Gaeth
    • 5:00PM [Playshop Tent - Green] Slackline Workshop5:00PM - 6:15PM

      What is slacklining: It is the art of balancing, flowing and playing on a high tech webbing which ensures safety and security.

      Why slackline: Fun, focus, balance, fitness, freedom, friends, relaxation

      Slackline is a form a yoga where in you are challenged to stay in the present moment.

      Who can slackline: Anyone can slackline. You do not need good balance and it can be compared to learning how to ride a bike.

      Speakers: Siddhu
    • 5:00PM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Creating Unique Mindful Events5:00PM - 6:15PM

      The universe is aligning, and the time is now to share our gifts with the world.  Learn how to effectively organize mindful events in your community from circles and workshops and ceremonies to festivals and retreats.  Understand the 10 major pitfalls to having successful events.  Learn the right questions to ask to set up your event.  Get tools in the form of people that can help you from early planning to the day of the event.

      Speakers: Al Jameson, DC
    • 8:00PM [Main Stage] Soulset Hour: Flower Empower Runway8:00PM - 9:00PM

      At Ecstatic Forest, we will always encourage you to be one of a kind. We encourage you to embody the confidence that is deep in your soul. We want to bear witness to your freedom of expression.

      At sunset, let your inner child’s dream come to life and parade your best festival ensembles on our Ecstatic Forest Runway.

      Speakers: Mika Skye
    • 9:00PM [Main Stage] Swahe9:00PM - 11:30PM
      Speakers: Swahe
    • 11:30PM [Main Stage] Naughty Princess11:30PM - 2:00AM
      Speakers: Naughty Princess
    • April 22, 2023
    • 10:00AM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Cosmic Body10:00AM - 11:15AM

      In this heart centered workshop we will create space to clear and plant seeds in the garden of our life.

      Together, we will practice kundalini yoga to balance energy and create more flexibility in our bodies.

      You will learn the basics of the cosmic cobra breath, an ancient practice to build energy in your subtle bodies and awaken your pineal and pituitary glands. The cobra breath is a tantric pranayama practice that gives you the ability to circulate energy through your body, moving energy though your whole space.

      We will integrate it all with a guided meditation and gong relaxation.

      ((75 minutes))

      Speakers: Ashley Shelton
    • 10:00AM [Playshop Tent - Green] Slowing Down, Tuning In: A Contact Improvisation Workshop10:00AM - 11:15AM

      During the festival, Takuma will lead participants through a series of exercises and improvisational scores, fostering a sense of trust, play, and physical connection with others. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to Contact Improvisation, Takuma's workshop is open to all levels and will leave you feeling energized and empowered. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the field at Ecstatic Forest festival!

      Takuma is seasoned performer and teacher of Contact Improvisation. He has practiced and taught in many dance hubs around the world including Austin, Atlanta, Hawaii, Lisbon, and Guatemala. With over 5 years of experience in the dance form, Takuma brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for movement to their workshop at Ecstatic Forest festival.

      Speakers: Takuma Katagiri
    • 10:00AM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Epic Healing Meditation & Sound Bath10:00AM - 11:15AM

      Her Epic Healing Meditation starts with some soothing sound instrument healing tools to help calm you and get you aligned in the present moment, so you are able to go peacefully within. Then she walks you through a verbally guided meditation into each one of your Chaka energy centers to address each chakra, clear out old baggage and trauma, then refill with Holy Spirit to restore your original rainbow soul-light body to wholeness and purity, as well as mend your aura around you.

      Speakers: The Street Angel
    • 1:00PM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Modern Dance1:00PM - 2:15PM

      Dance is the hidden language of the soul. Take some time to appreciate your body and connect with yourself through modern dance. Choreography is beginner level to insure a welcoming environment. Join us in a class filled with energy, unity and self expression.

      Speakers: That Flow Chick
    • 1:00PM [Playshop Tent - Green] Partner Worship : A Sensual Introduction to Tantra1:00PM - 2:15PM

      Tantra is a spiritual path to recognize the divine in ourselves and everything else. How can we bring this recognition to our touch, gaze and words as we interact with our loved ones? Learn the basics of intimacy skills that we were never taught growing up. In this introductory workshop we will play with presence, sounds, touch, words. We will learn how to feel and share consent. We will keep it PG13. There will be no sexual activity but there will be opportunity to share massage style touch. No partner required.

      Speakers: Naughty Monkey
    • 1:00PM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Herbs and Plants Initiation for Ascended Mastery1:00PM - 2:15PM

      This workshop taught by our favorite master herbalist highlights the plants and herbs necessary to support the process of ascension by activating physical health, emotional wisdom, and spiritual connection. Learn how to make and incorporate herbal-based recipes, using whole plants, oils, and more into your rituals and daily life to balance your well-being and enhance your practice.

      Match plants with sacred codes, goddesses, and states of being and accelerate your personal mastery.

      Speakers: Erika Ramelli
    • 1:00PM [Createshop Tent - Yellow] Ecstatic Kirtan1:00PM - 2:15PM

      Kirtan is a form of devotional chanting that brings us into ecstatic bliss as we invoke our divinity within and celebrate the divinity all around us. It brings us into the One.. into the Love. Bonnie Divina Maa is both a student and teacher of Bhakti Yoga and has performed with many kirtan artists, including Bhagavan Das, Nina Rao, and the Kirtaniyas, as well as offering her own unique style of kirtan all around the world. In this workshop, we will explore this facet of Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of love and devotion, and raise the vibration as we unite our voices through Sanskrit chanting.

      Speakers: Bonnie Divina Maa
    • 3:00PM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Naked Yoga for Your Next Level of Embodied Liberation3:00PM - 4:15PM

      This co-ed naked yoga ceremony is designed for you to shed layers of conditioned insecurity and activate deeper levels of self-love within. We’ll begin with an intention setting and release ritual where you will feel into what’s holding you back from your most authentic expression. You’ll then be guided to separate into men’s and women’s sides for greater safety and comfort. (All genders are welcome and allowed to self identify). Then you’ll be led in a 45 minute yoga flow rooted in self-love and surrender. If time allows, we’ll integrate together through a heart-led sharing circle. You will walk away feeling freer, lighter and embodying an unwavering love for yourself.

      Speakers: Bianca Davis
    • 3:00PM [Playshop Tent - Green] Move With Your Prop3:00PM - 4:15PM

      This class will go over all the ways to incorporate dance and movement into your flow arts. It is for all levels and will include all props.

      This class serves as a educational presentation to grow others as performers and to grow into more dynamic performers.

      Speakers: Dante Colmenares
    • 3:00PM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Ancestral Healing3:00PM - 4:15PM

      Ancestral healing is the process of revealing and releasing inherited wounds and traumas that have been passed down by our ancestors. Ancestral healing is especially important because we not only experience personal lived trauma, but the trauma held within our families, ancestors, and past lives. By working with spiritually vibrant ancestors, we can start to alchemizing and transmuting patterns of pain and abuse, to gradually reclaim the inherent ancestral gift of our families.

      * explore what ancestral healing is and how it can aid your spiritual path

      * recognize how unresolved ancestral wounds have impacted your life and end the cycles of ancestral trauma

      * learn how to use rituals and practical exercises to honor and communicate with your ancestors

      * balance your physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing through sound healing, breath work, and guided meditation designed to transmute ancestral wounds

      Speakers: Melanin Lion
    • 3:00PM [Createshop Tent - Yellow] Cultivating Your Unique Herbal Medicinals3:00PM - 4:15PM

      In this class, you will learn all about herbs and their physical and energetic effects on the human body, as well as how to identify your own body's unique constitution. For those who want to harvest or grow their own herbs, there will also be a discussion on sustainability, wildcrafting, and harvesting with respect and reciprocity. With this knowledge, we will discuss the best herbs for your energetic needs for systemic balance. You will walk away with your own herbal tea formula as well as an understanding of nature's medicinal allies and how to work with them to address any ailment or desire!

      Speakers: Juniper Vaughn
    • 5:00PM [Danceshop Tent - Blue] Dance Movement Therapy5:00PM - 6:15PM

      Dance Movement Therapy is a unique way to de-stress & express yourself through therapeutic movement designed to heal the mind & body. Dance Therapy is the use of body movements as a way of communication and expression, utilizing a process in which a teacher assists the integration of physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and social aspects of an individual. Dance Therapy is not just about dance, but about connecting the body, mind and spirit and healing them through dance.

      Speakers: Stephy Rose
    • 5:00PM [Playshop Tent - Green] Wings Not Required: Fly with Acro Yoga!5:00PM - 6:15PM

      This workshop will introduce you to the wonderful practice of Acro! Discover your inner child and help others fly high. Build partnerships and trust as you discover new poses and transitions. Play is always more fun with others!

      Speakers: Fadi Hamdan
    • 5:00PM [Thinkshop Tent - Red] Osho's Dynamic Meditation5:00PM - 6:15PM

      Dynamic Meditation is a meditation technique developed by the Indian spiritual teacher Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, also known as Osho. It is a form of active meditation that involves a series of stages and is typically done early in the morning.

      The stages of Dynamic Meditation include:

      Breathing: Participants begin by focusing on their breath and letting go of any thoughts or distractions.

      Venting: In this stage, participants are encouraged to express any negative emotions or pent-up energy through shouting, dancing, or other physical movements.

      Stilling: After the "venting" stage, participants enter a period of stillness, focusing on their inner experience and allowing any thoughts or feelings to arise without judgment.

      Celebration: The final stage involves celebrating and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to meditate and connect with one's true self. This may involve dancing, singing, or other forms of self-expression.

      Dynamic Meditation is intended to help individuals release tension and negative emotions, and to tap into a state of relaxation and awareness.

      Speakers: Lucid Love
    • 8:00PM [Main Stage] Soulset Hour: Glow-Up Affirmation8:00PM - 9:00PM
      Speakers: Ninii Noel
    • 9:00PM [Main Stage] Honest9:00PM - 11:30PM
      Speakers: Honest
    • 11:30PM [Main Stage] Mose featuring AsiRiana11:30PM - 2:00AM
      Speakers: AsiRiana Rasa, Mose
    • April 23, 2023
    • 12:00PM [Main Stage] Divine Masculine Closing Ceremony12:00PM - 1:00PM
      Speakers: Al Jameson, DC

Entertainers and Presenters

  • Al Jameson, DC

    Founder - Dragonfly Fest

  • Alex Snyder

    Playshop Presenter

  • Amanda Wonderland

    Thinkshop Presenter

  • April Dawn Scheffler

    Createshop Presenter

  • Araiah Jazzar

    Thinkshop Presenter

  • Ashley Shelton

    Danceshop Presenter

  • AsiRiana Rasa

    Ecstatic Dance DJ

  • Bianca Davis

    Danceshop Presenter

  • Bonnie Divina Maa

    Createshop Presenter

  • Butterfly Priestess

    Danceshop and Playshop Presenter

  • Cameron Vaughn

    Playshop Presenter

  • Celeste Seraphim

    Opening Ceremony

  • Coach Thomas

    Thinkshop Presenter and Main Stage Sponsor

  • Damino

    Main Stage Musician

  • Dante Colmenares

    Playshop Presenter

  • Devon Hornby

    Danceshop Presenter

  • ElleMental

    Danceshop Presenter

  • Erika Ramelli

    Thinkshop Presenter

  • Fadi Hamdan

    Danceshop Presenter

  • Honest

    Main Stage Musician

  • Juniper Vaughn

    Createshop Presenter

  • Kalyan Darshan

    Danceshop Presenter

  • Lucid Love

    Thinkshop Presenter

  • LyRic

    Playshop Presenter

  • Manpreet Sangha

    Danceshop Presenter

  • Melanin Lion

    Playshop Presenter

  • Mika Skye

    Co-Founder - Ecstatic Forest Festival

  • Mose

    Main Stage Musician

  • Mystica Fiora

    Danceshop Presenter

  • Naughty Monkey

    Playshop Presenter

  • Naughty Princess

    Main Stage Musician

  • Ninii Noel

    Co-Founder - Ecstatic Forest Festival

  • Rayne Grant

    Thinkshop Presenter and Main Stage Musician

  • Rebecca Brumfield

    Createshop Presenter

  • Ronnie Saenz

    Playshop Presenter

  • Sara Kovash

    Thinkshop Presenter

  • Siddhu

    Playshop Presenter

  • Stephan Gaeth

    Danceshop and Createshop Presenter

  • Stephy Rose

    Danceshop Presenter

  • Stevie Hudson

    Danceshop and Playshop Presenter

  • Swahe

    Main Stage Musician

  • Takuma Katagiri

    Playshop Presenter

  • That Flow Chick

    Danceshop Presenter

  • The Street Angel

    Zenshop Presenter


    Main Stage Musician

  • Unity Yogis

    Createshop Presenter