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thu23sep(sep 23)3:00 pmsun26(sep 26)3:00 pmMedicine for the People Spiritual Gathering3:00 pm - 3:00 pm (26)(GMT-05:00) Event TypeFestival Event Organized ByGuy Brown

Event Details

MFTP Gathering is held on each equinox for Texas Love Tribes to share Texas Love Vibes. We gather to honor All Our Relations in a conscious Co-creative space of unified intent as our Heart Medicine for the People of the world. We gather with intent to open our heart space, share, connect and to give gratitude for our relationship with All that Is.

MFTP is a 4 day camping event sprouting from intent in co-creation of a healing space within our selves, the community and the planet. We bridge our heart space in supporting ALL our relations past present and future as our service to humanity.

Honoring and sending out this heart space resonance as we sing, dance and play together: we hold visions of Unity and Harmony in the Collective Field of Co-Creation. Through heart-based- world service, we celebrate each other in Deliberate Creation for Sustainability.

MFTP is a co-creative event where all are called to participate through intention and all are invited to share -or find- our personal medicine as what empowers us to feel connected, unified and inspired. We share the tools that support us in our personal journeys and build community through sharing our gifts, talents, and abilities. If you do not know your medicine yet come join us as we share ours as we re-connect to our most authentic self – LOVE.

This co-creative space is made for the community by the community so if you have an idea, talent or skillset you would like to share, please contact us by clicking on “inquire before buy” under the Tickets section.

Activities Include:

– Camping (3-4 days Thursday- Sunday)

 Peace Prayer /Spiral Dance- Sydney Samadhi

 Cacao Ceremony – Group Collaboration

 Tapping /EFT – Sonya Sofia

 Men’s Circles- – Bhavin Misra

 Women’s Circles-Lenee Williams

 Drum Circles- Andy Saldana- #4nerz

 Tune into Love Kirtan – Kalyan Darshan,

 Breathwork- The Breath of Eternal Life – Anna Elmore

 Heart Medicine Song Circles- Bonnie Divina Maa

 Therapeutic Acroyoga and Thai Massage- Markbob Love

 The Wheel of Creation- Syncretism:The Path of the Sun – Melissa Irene Divinity

 Ecstatic Dance- Sydney Samadhi Love

 Contact Improv – Mika Earthspirit

 Gong Sound Bath- The Gong Lady

 Saving Humanity Through Tantra- Scott McCLure

 Butoh- Alchemy of the Shadow Dance- Bobby Levy

 Fire Play- Radiantsolz – Alex Snyder, Cheri Dupont- Dakini duo

 Didgeridoo Intro – 4NERZ 

 9 breath Qi Gong – Markbob Love

 Yoga Nidra- Bhakti Light – Janaki Mayhill

 Evolution Yoga- Lee Lee Haines

 Angel Walk- Guy Brown

 DJ set – Jay Yaws ( the wizard of Yaws)

 Beginning Flow Class- Alex Snyder Cheri Dupont

 Jentastic Arts- Clowning around for kids

 Green Dragon Tea Lounge -KayLyn and Zack Green ( Tea Sponsored by West China Tea Austin Tx)

 Epic Healing Meditation and Sound Therapy – Madilyn Reese ( The Street Angel)

 Authentic Relation Games- Mika Earthspirit

 Communal Kitchen- EVERYONE ( Bring food and pitch in -VOLUNTEERS needed)

 Embodied Voice Activation- Bonnie Devina Maa

 Shamaninc Soul Retrieval with Sound Healing- David Sunshine

 Alchemy of Movement- Dance and Flow- Chris Campbell

 Connecting Our Shamanic Gifts- Opening our Clairs – Lee Lee Haines

 Relationship’s Life Hacks- Barbara Cole Salmeron

 Texas Lightworksers Land Grab- Harold Hoenow

 Awakening the Creative Energy Within- Katherine Ospina Herrera

 Live Music – Kylee O’Donnell – Mary Brett Stinger, Tatiana The Love Fairy, Angali Project,     Impromptu jam sessions and sound healings , fireside acoustic,  bring your instruments !

 Manifesting Miracles- Scott McCLure

 Coffee and Chai Connection – Charlie Stanley

 Shamanic Vocal Toning – Corey Keisler

 Agnihotra Puja – Bijanka Butler

 Moving meditation and centering (as seen on Bravo reality show ) Darrin Davis

 Theme Camps ( Register your temple )

 Fire Spinning and LED performances nightly w/ day Workshops

 Art Installations – Tetra Pyramid 

 Kids activities- clowns,  kids parade,  read a longs, arts and crafts, face painting more




This equinox spend time with your friends and family to make memories that last lifetimes.
All tickets include all activities, workshops, dances, live music and performances, ceremony, land fees, parking fees, park amenities, and a communal kitchen. Lots of exciting stuff happening behind the scenes so keep checking in for new additions and information.

Tickets sold for 2020 are still valid so we have very limited tickets are available- so don’t wait. ( if you have purchased look for an email from

*********** IF tickets are available after Sept 20 there will not be online sales. BRING $111 CASH for the GATE UPON ARRIVAL. ***********************************

**************No child tickets sold online.*************
******ONLY LAND FEES APPLY pay CASH at the gate*******
*************$20 0-12yrs and $35 13-17yrs.************

Meet Texas Love Tribes from Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, San Marcus, Corpus Christi and everywhere in between. Join us for a weekend of camping, co-creating and celebration with all that is. We look forward to seeing you there!


September 23, 2021 3:00 pm - September 26, 2021 3:00 pm(GMT-05:00)

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